In my home state of Texas, spring is filled with rolling plains of Blue Bonnets and Indian Paint Brushes. For a few brief weeks the expansive plains and rolling hills of Texas are painted with bright masses of flowers. These impressive displays were the inspiration I grew up admiring year after year.

...gone Wild is my chance to share the flowers and landscapes that adorn our country side. It is my hope that these images will touch your life they way they have touched mine. Protect our fragile lands at every turn, otherwise these images and other like them may be all that's left.

This site is focused on the native orchids of America. Companion plants and other unique botanicals have also been featured. Whenever possible I have also included photographs and descriptions of the ece-systems they flourish in.

Join me now in my annual search for wild orchids, lush forests and unique lands. Orchids -n- has ...gone WILD.

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  • 10-9-00 - Opening comments about this website.

Dodecatheon pulchellum

This colony of Shooting Stars caught my attention and is probably one of my favorite finds from my last trip to Colorado. The colony was rather large and several hundred plants were in full bloom.


This colony was precariously perched in a crevasse on the side of a tight trail along the side of the mountain. These bright flowers had obviously greeted many diligent hikers thathad made there way into the back country. It's bright moments like these that make long hikes with a heavy pack worth effort.